Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I've done Purium's Transformation Cleanse before, and had GREAT results.  That is me on the top column, second from the left, so I knew what to expect....
Detoxing, resetting my metabolism and although I don't eat processed foods, it helps me stop the 'nervous eating' habit I sometimes get into (and did this summer).  Losing 5-20 pounds, while consuming whole nutritious foods, is a great feeling!  
So, join me!  I'd love to share this with you!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Will you take the Million Mom Pledge?

We are looking for 1,000 women, in 100 communities, who want to help 10 families each, eat cleaner and greener.

That’s one million moms.

One million people who take back control of their pantries.
One million families who take back control of their dinner tables.
One million parents who tell the biotech companies:
I am Not a Science Experiment “DON’T YOU DARE experiment on MY children!”

100 years ago all food was organic.
Vegetables grew from the earth.
Fruit was picked right off the tree.
Fish swam in pristine streams, lakes and oceans.
And animals roamed free.

Now, many of the things we put into our bodies are
made not made by God or Mother Nature,
they’re made by chemists … in laboratories.

They aren’t foods at all.
They’re food-like substances.
Processed, irradiated and genetically-modified.
Filled with artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners.
Loaded with hormones, antibiotics and pesticides.

It’s time to take back our food!
Be part of our million mom movement.
Your family and your community are counting on you!

So whether you live in Manhattan, NY or Manhattan, KS, we want you to join us!

The Million Mom Pledge

"I pledge to defend the health of my family and myself.

I pledge to reject GMOs, artificial ingredients, trans fats and over-processed foods.

I pledge to educate myself, read labels and lead by example.

I understand my actions TODAY will positively impact the health of future generations.

I am COMMITTED to sharing this mission until I have a Million Moms by my side!"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Shannon's Story

Shannon Dawn R. is a 51 year old woman who suffered from Fibromyalsia, unwanted Weight gain and Menopausal symptoms.  She even had difficulty performing her job responsibilities and remaining active .Her symptoms progressed to the point she was having difficulty getting out of bed.
Shannon called me almost a year ago and we discussed her eating habits and the need to occasionally 'cleanse' your body of toxins.  Although Shannon thought she was eating healthy, and she didn't like the taste of natural 'green' drinks, she agreed to give the 10-Day Transformation Cleanse a try, and gave it her all. She even gave up her morning cup of coffee and opted for a warm cup of herbal tea.
Here is her story, beginning on Day 5, she posted on her Facebook Page:

Day 5  So, here's the deal... I started a 10-Day Transformation Cleanse challenge Monday where I only drink a green shake 3 times a day, taking the Master Amino Acid Pattern, and following the daily schedule exactly (modified version, using additional fruits and veggies).
I have been suffering from pain all over my body (fibromyalgia) and inflammation (arthritis) and needed to do something to rid my body of the pain and bloating I have been experiencing for the past year. It hurt just to touch me.  I was having a really hard time simply getting out of bed in the morning because of the pain.
I DO NOT TAKE PRESCRIPTION MEDS unless absolutely necessary and was looking for a way to feel better (and lose weight) that I could do. I have tried all kinds of diets and calorie counting and all I do is eat more!  If it says I can't have something, that’s what I want!  I never really related the pain I was feeling to my way of eating, though.
So needless to say I was a little skeptical when I started this. I am pleased to say that I am having absolutely NO cravings at all and my energy is through the roof! I will keep you posted on my results. OH, and I am NOT putting my before picture on Facebook unless the after picture looks really good!
My new ‘handle’ …Dawn Of Health…that is how I’m feeling!!
I had no idea I needed detoxifying this badly. Years of processed foods and artificial colors and additives had really taken a toll on my body. I am going to try hard not to go back to that kind of eating. I want to live a healthy productive life and enjoy my "golden years" with the man I love by my side.

Day 6  Drinking my green drink and I am feeling better that I have felt in a very long time. Mitch says I look slimmer and is surprised by my energy!  I also haven't had coffee in 6 days now and I am up and functional and my mind is very clear. I didn't even know I had brain fog. Anyway, you would think I would be hungry, but I am not at all!  I really think I found the cure to what ails me!  I will keep you posted.

Day 8: Still drinking my green shake and waking up feeling rejuvenated and ready to go! I have gone 8 days so far with no caffeine, meat, or dairy. Just eating and drinking Veggies and fruit.
Okay everyone here it goes...I am going to post an awful picture of me so you can see how well this "green food shake” worked for me. And the only reason I am posting it is because of how good I feel and the incredible stories I have heard of how people are getting off their meds for depression, diabetes, blood pressure and other ailments. The pain in my body that I have been suffering from is all but gone and in only 10 days!  Right now, I am waiting for more product to arrive, so I can do another 10 days!!

Post Transformation Cleanse:  Well, I have been off my "anabolic fast" for 4 days and still have no cravings and am feeling great! I have lost another inch in my waist and my body has turned into a fat burning machine! Did I tell you that I haven’t been exercising? Well, I am going to start back walking soon. I just wanted to see if I could do it without. I will continue to drink Purium products to get the nutrients my body needs though because the pain is gone!

Look, Feel & Perform Like a Much Younger Person

10-Day Transformation Cleanse
Total Weight Control
Maximum Sports & Fitness
Ultimate Anti-Aging
Core Nutrition